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Shining Truth Ministries

The New World Order

People everywhere can sense it. There is something in the works, as though a war is coming. Could this be what the Book of Revelation predicted a millennia ago? Is the United States of America the Mystery Babylon? Are we going to see the Mark of the Beast implemented? It is all uncertain, but one thing is sure. Most people are living in a dream world, a false reality. The United States is about to change drastically as it slowly becomes a police state in which the police continue to kill innocent people and there are no repercussions. The police have been torturing people, just google "Jordan Norris" and tasing people until they go into a coma, just google "Bryce Masters". Police around the country have been killing black people left and right. Have any of them been held accountable for what is literally nothing short of murder? No. An Australian woman was shot and killed after she called the police for help. Police have been caught on camera planting drugs on peoples' property.
American law enforcement has become the strong arm of the New World Order. Most Americans are asleep and not paying attention to the police state that is now popping up around us. At the heart of the United States government is the CIA. The CIA is a satanic organization that engaged in mind control as in MK Ultra and they are responsible for using "Enhanced Interrogation" which is just a euphemism for torture. Abu Ghraib shows what the United States government is doing in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.
What is the solution? First and foremost is to accept Christ, that comes before everything else. Beyond that we need to be active in our communities both politically and religiously. True Christianity requires us to stand up against evil and right now law enforcement and the government are the ones committing atrocities on an almost weekly basis. I know it may sound extreme but just look at how many innocent people have been killed at the hand of law enforcement over the past 2 years or so. What happened in Waco in 1993 is nothing compared to what is happening now. Police have gone evil. The US government is involved in wars killing thousands of innocent Arab people in Iraq and Afghanistan based on the lie that was 9/11. 9/11 itself was done by a satanic sect that has hijacked the US government. Pretty soon people are going to wake up in a police state and it will be too late. We have to act now. We need to be ready for whatever is coming.
The only solution is to have complete faith in God. To trust him and follow him where ever he leads us. The enemy is powerful but evil is nothing compared to the Almighty Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. The enemy wants us to be afraid, to be afraid of death, afraid of terrorists, afraid of everything. There is no reason to fear, trust in Christ, we will prevail.
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